Cultural activity
to 14.9 Km in our area
Aquarium d'Amnéville
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Cultural heritage
to 12.6 Km in our area
Located in the Land of 3 borders (France, Germany, Luxembourg), the castle of Sierck-les-Bains, built on a rocky promontory overlooking the Moselle valley, is one of the only 11th century forts in eastern France whose surrounding walls, casemates , massive loopholes with their underground passages, are still in an imposing state. It was also one of the favorite residences of the Dukes of Lorraine. In 1673 Vauban fortified the remaining surrounding walls. In 1705, the Duke of Malborough from Trier encountered the French armies commanded by the Marshal de Villars and had to retreat. In 1713, the fort was again demolished in execution of the Treaty of Utrecht. In 1773, Cormontaigne restored the castle. Before the Revolution, it was stripped of its cannons and cannonballs. From 1814, it was part of the fortifications of Thionville and decommissioned definitively in 1866, when it became property of the city of Sierck-les-Bains. Today, this remarkable monument located in an exceptional natural setting is revived through permanent exhibitions and numerous events that immerse the visitor in the medieval atmosphere. IMPORTANT: The prepayment you make on this booking site is a guarantee but this amount will not be debited from your bank account. It is your responsibility to pay on site AT OUR CASH, the amount of the tickets by any means at your convenience (credit card, holiday vouchers, cash, ...)
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Sport activities
to 12.4 Km in our area
3 Frontières Tourisme
Trois Frontières Tourisme offers themed nature and heritage tours upon registration, in the heart of the Pays des Trois Frontières. Do not wait any longer, live a unique experience!
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Cultural heritage
to 4.7 Km in our area
Gros Ouvrage Maginot du Hackenberg à VECKRING
The Hackenberg structure is the most important of the Maginot Line in terms of its size (10 km of galleries, 19 combat blocks) and the extent of its internal organization. By visiting this monster of the Maginot Line, led by a volunteer guide or employee of the AMIFORT association, you will be amazed by the modernism of the installations of the largest fortification of the 20th century.
Everything is excessive. The ammunition stores, the kitchens, the electrical factory and its generators in working order, the rooms, the infirmary and the barracks transformed into a military museum retracing the 1939-1945 conflict. It is aboard the small electric train, formerly transporting ammunition, that you will reach the combat blocks and discover the powerful artillery turrets and cannons under casemates. All this restored and upgraded equipment provides a truer-than-life overview of the operation and logistics deployed at the time. This work served as a prototype for many other works subsequently built all along the border.
If you like walks and walks, a magnificent marked walking circuit, free of access, reveals the 19 blocks that make up this powerful structure. You can discover a truly beautiful panorama from the Hackenberg chapel, located at its summit. . On a clear day, we dive into the Moselle valley and we can see on the horizon the towers of the Malbrouck castle and all the landscapes of the Three Borders region.
Contact: Association AMIFORT 61bis grande rue 57920 VECKRING tel: 03 82 82 30 08
email: amifort@orange.fr Website www.maginot-hackenberg.com
IMPORTANT: Please present yourself at the Cashier at the entrance to the Hackenberg structure 15 minutes before the departure time of the selected tour. The prepayment you make on this reservation site is a guarantee but this amount will not be debited from your bank account. It is your responsibility to pay on site AT OUR CASH Office, the amount of the tickets by any means at your convenience (credit card, cash, etc.)
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un retour dans le passé, la ligne Maginot en parfait état de fonctionnement à ne pas manquer
Cultural activity
to 16.1 Km in our area
Découvertes du territoire de Cattenom et Environs
Terre de frontières et d'histoires, niché dans un écrin de verdure, véritable poumon vert du Nord Mosellan, le territoire de Cattenom et Environs regorge de petit patrimoine et de secrets.
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cited for being in the most beautiful village in France, more than medieval, an unmissable visit
Cultural activity
to 11 Km in our area
Pays Thionvillois Tourisme - Visites guidées
Pays Thionvillois Tourisme, the community tourist office of Portes de France Thionville, offers guided tours on calendar dates throughout the year upon registration. With family, lovers, adventurers, passing by, having a bite to eat, discovering, having fun, there is something for everyone, depending on the season. Friends of nature, budding artists, knowledgeable gourmet, music lover, there will inevitably be a course for your wishes, your desires. The key word: PRO-FITER! Look no further, you have found us! On the way to your ideal guided tour.
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Cultural activity
to 0.7 Km in our area
Moulin de Buding
Associez découverte patrimoniale et sortie nature ! A Buding (15min de Thionville), visitez l'un des derniers moulins à huile de l'Est de la France. Dans un écrin de verdure, vivez l'histoire du Moulin de Buding et apprenez à comprendre la formidable machine, en parfait état de fonctionnement, qui produisait autrefois farine ou huile pour s'éclairer. La visite est accessible au grand public, aux groupes, aux écoles, aux centres de loisirs et aux établissements accueillant des personnes handicapées. Depuis juin 2015, des animations ludiques sont proposées aux familles sous forme de petits ateliers. Juste à côté, un petit étang et ses calmes alentours invitent à la promenade. Le Moulin, les salles des ateliers et les espaces naturels sont accessibles aux personnes à mobilité réduite. De vastes parkings (PL et bus) sont mis gratuitement à la disposition des visiteurs ainsi qu'une aire de jeux gratuite pour enfants, accessible jusqu'à 8 ans, sous la surveillance d'un adulte responsable.
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a return to the past, an unmissable visit on mill technology and biodiversity
Sport activities
to 16.1 Km in our area
Rando Moselle au pays de Cattenom et Environs
Partez à la découverte du territoire de Cattenom et Environs, terre de frontières et d'histoires, niché dans un écrin de verdure, véritable poumon vert du Nord Mosellan. Vivez une expérience connectée inédite et laissez-vous surprendre par son patrimoine. Vous reprendrez bien un peu de balade ?
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Sport activities
to 16.8 Km in our area
À 300 m du [Snowhall], d'autres aventures attendent les amateurs de sensations fortes dans ce parc, l'un des plus grands en Europe dédié à l'aventure. Au programme : 7 parcours acrobatiques en hauteur, un Maxi-Bungee, sorte de catapulte qui vous envoie dans la cime des arbres, des jeux au sol pour toute la famille, des rallyes interactifs, des chasses au trésor… De quoi rapprocher les petits (à partir de 4 ans) et les grands au cœur de la nature. Des formules combinées multi-activités permettent de profiter d'un maximum d'attractions à prix réduit. Pour jouer à Tarzan en famille !
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An ideal place for young and old. Fun and fun guaranteed
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